M CITY Condos Phase One Updates
The M City Condos Phase One Mississauga are being launched in the coming while. These new Square One Condos will offer stunning, modern condominiums right in Downtown Mississauga. Fill out the form below to be added to our M City Condos Mississauga interest list and you’ll be notified as soon as pricing and further details are released for M City.

New Intelligent Search Feature
Meet Intelligent Search SquareOneLIFE strives to provide leading technology, services and professionalism to our clients. This is why we are constantly working to improve our network of online platforms and tools. The latest addition is integrated intelligent search which will learn over time to bring you better results, faster. Intelligent Search allows users to look up Square One condos

3 Condo Projects Coming Up In Mississauga In 2017
Welcome to 2017! In a few month’s we’ll be celebrating the 3rd anniversary of squareonelife.com, in addition to that, 2017 has a number of exciting developments and expansions coming to the Square One area as well as other Mississauga pockets.